100ドルチャレンジは、ポケモンカードのチャレンジのシリーズで、このチャレンジでは100ドルを使って、ポケモンカードのコンプリートベースセットを作ることを目標としています。これはEPISODE 6で、私たちが手に入れたカードを使って、ベースセットを完成させる第6回の動画です。今回も、私たちは100ドル以内でどれだけのカードを集めることができるかをチャレンジします。ポケモンカードコレクションの完成を目指して、どのようなカードが手に入るのか、楽しみにしていてください!
- views:4【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
Just stumbled upon this series. Congratulations on your success. Need to see if this is possible in Germany too!
This man HUSTLES!
Is anything like reddit’s r/pkmntcgtrades off the table. There you would trade for items. Others do straight selling there too but technically it is peer to peer. Against the rules?
LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Can’t wait for this series to go viral
super cool series i would like to see this continue
Im so glad this series isn’t ending soon!
Fumble on the first video randomly when it got posted, and Im definitly here for the long ride. Let’s Goooooooooooo!
Love this! been following along and last week found my old collections when sorting some stuff out. Definitely going to see if I can complete any of the old sets I was close to before!
Smart move to make a different account on Ebay. That way people on this channel can support you by purchasing items.
Are you considering going to a cardshow at one point? Not sure how many you get. Me and my family try and do one every two months or so.