Sorry in the shower rn.
I always feel like with the 5-win streak being potentially hard but very possible, they should offer an exclusive prize for like a 10 or even 15 win streak, which is nye on impossible lol – but would deffo get the bigger fans trying for it!
rapidash + ninetails + blaine, ez
I did it with Gyarados ex. I lost first battle and then did it.
giving out free victories, very boring.
i made my 5 wins while watching this :- ) thanks for the good luck
3 energy: psychic, water, fire
2x druddigon
2x beeheeyem
2x alakazam
1 potion, 1 sabrina, 2 leafs
funnily enough i intended the energy to be just psychic when i made this LOL . . . the deckbuilder auto-adding missing energies always catches me off-guard. but thankfully both psychic pokemon only need one psychic energy! and the drudd being able to attack actually was really useful in a couple of the games
BONUS: use the multi-type deck box, the meowth cardback, the venasaur coin, and the mewthical island playmat for maximum psychic alignment