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- views:5【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
We already have 2 pokemon lines like magikarp, we don’t need a third. This is peak comedy.
Really they missed the opportunity to call it Redunsparce
It’s Dudunsparce. Not Dundun.
This is why Dudunsparce is legitimately my favourite Pokémon, it’s such a stupid joke and I love it
Is this really how humar evolved
I say it’s a reason to except that they aren’t taking you seriously
Nah. Dudunsparce is not it. Supremely disappointing
This was the best thing to grace my eyes but I get why ppl might not like it, like we got way too many gimmick Pokémon and evolutions to where it got annoying
Dundundunsparce gets a pass tho my little wormie
Dundunsparce is GREAT! Look at him! Dunsparce is already round and adorable and they just made his glory LONGER. ITS AMAZING!
Dunsparce is my favorite Pokémon and dudunsparce I will die for. It’s absolutely hilarious lmao