

ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Can’t believe they leaked it again! The pokedex leaks for DLC! What Pokemon are missing that you want back?
Don’t miss our epic Giveaway:
so starters of every gen except gen 6 and 8?
Pidgey Line just not get love anymore. The fuck.
Definitely want to see more fossilmons, with one colour being all to do with the past, revamping some of those older fossilmons would be an obvious direction.
My BOI Zebstrika comin back!
I’m just over here hoping beyond all hope that i can get a Scolipede, i love that mon to death and i was super excited by the prospect of hunting one
I hope this is true because it means Minior is back at long last! I love that colorful bunch so much! <3
Pinsir is allready in the game dude. Do some research before making a video.
I watch a lot of poketubers with randomized unlocked starters so most of this comes to no surprise.
There were a few that were exciting though!
Good vid dude