このDLCには、すべてのピカチュウからザシアンまでの715匹のポケモンが登場します。 トレーナーは、特別なエリアであるエリアゼロを探索し、隠された財宝を見つけることができます。 このエリアは、危険なポケモンやトレーナーが多く存在し、乗り物を駆使して進んでいく必要があります。 貴重なアイテムや強力なポケモンが手に入る可能性もありますが、その代わりに困難なバトルが待ち受けています。 熟練したトレーナーであれば、エリアゼロの秘密を解き明かし、探索経験を楽しむことができるでしょう。 また、エリア内には新しい伝説のポケモンも存在し、全てのポケモンが揃った状態で最後のボスとのバトルを行うこともできます。 「スカーレット」と「バイオレット」の二人の謎めいたトレーナーも、エリアゼロで待ち受けています。 エリアゼロの中での運命の出会いや、隠された財宝の発見を楽しむために、旅に出かけましょう!
- views:6【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
- views:1【初見実況】ポケモンSV その1
Grubbin and charjabug pictures are swapped btw
There’s no way they can leave out Serperior and Emboar
Could you maybe make a list on all the Pokémon that still won’t be available on the nintendo switch after both DLCs have been released? I didn’t see the elemental monkeys anywhere for example.
Thanks for this information. I’m very excited for all the returning Pokemon to the game. 🙂 Quite a few are returning that I want to return. Dude I cannot wait for Scarlet and Violet DLC. I haven’t been playing S&V lately because, well, lbh, I’ve put too many hours into the game already and I’m not even a shiny hunter haha. XD Without shiny hunting I’ve somehow managed to find 4 shinies… XD What I was doing though was working on a very ultimate elite tera-raiding Pokemon Guild of sorts however. I grinded out like 90 fully super tweaked level 100 Pokemon and have all these Pokemon in boxes except for my core team lol. They are all as OP as they can possibly be. I did loads of research and made a Pokemon for many, many different tera raid scenarios lol, and I did all of this without exploiting anything. XD I’m like burnt the f out on current content lmao. I just wanna play some DLC, so I might retire from S&V for a while. Wake me up when we can go to Kitakami. XD
I was hoping to see absol in there
Are the Galar starters and Urshifu going to be transferable in this gen
I do hope that they bring back some mechanics, like Megas or Z-moves and such, (Or allow every single Pokemon to come back once they all have switch models of higher quality.) though I am more than sure that they are updating the Mega Evolution models for current gen games for the inevitable release of gen 6 remakes. We still have gen 5 remakes then gen 10 to get through, but I’m sure in a few years they’ll make gen 6 again. … We can only hope that they’ll actually make an end game for it this time, lol.
Can’t wait to bring my shiny Feraligatr to Paldea
Video title makes it seem as if there’s 715 Pokémon in the DLC, would’ve been better to use the actual number, misleading.
Me over here just wanting Absol.