ポケットモンスターの新たな動きが流出しました!『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット』で使えるシグニチャームーブがすべて明らかになりました!

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ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
ポケットモンスターの新たな動きが流出しました!『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット』で使えるシグニチャームーブがすべて明らかになりました!
Some of these moves ARE WILD! Although Bug Pokemon get the shaft AGAIN.
Don’t miss the GFUEL BOGO:
Maushold, you shall be crowned king, queen, and heirs to the throne
The grass starter’s move is fucking broken bro. The only thing that holds it back is its grass typing. But otherwise? 70 power, guaranteed to hit so no accuracy-altering tactics are ever going to help, always a crit – meaning 140 base power which can’t be mitigated by increasing your defenses; 16PP making it spammable. Probably the best physical grass move ever in general.
Considering this and the fact that it’s by far the fastest of the starters, I’m totally taking Sprigatito.
Glaive Rush ignored by aDrive.
*RIP Baxcalibur.* lol
why they alway make weak pokemon -_- what the point of making them if they are bad
So when early gameplay Dan
Anybody wanna do a private room trade ? Shiny Cyndaquil for a Shiny Rowlet ?
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Danke man das wenn ich das thumbnail seh das ich dann direkt die moves erkennen kann
No one cares get a real job u suck fake fan noob learn how to say pokemon names the right way fake fan noob
Are we sure Tera blast is always special in spectrum? The description seems a little ambiguous, like it could deal special or physical depending on which of the user’s stats is higher.