Love the content! Because of you and your wife, it makes me want to start my own selling journey!
Coin flips have to stop in a kids market. I hate it. Its gambling and needs to not be taught to kids by adults they look up to. Needs to stop.
Gosh I wish people around my area were like you. That lost origin for $320. People near me want $400
That Pikachu at 24:42 is a vibe lol
goodm editing
Where did Trey get that Squirtle Purse?! lol Is it vintage? Looks amazing!!
What would be your best advice on selling modern sealed product at a show charge market straight across the board? Or do you run deals?
28:16 i hope jarchomp and his wife knows
ppl dont think jarchomp is evil
its just the appearance coop looks like next door kind neighboor and jarchomp looks more like buff hard ass
also they should know most of there viewers are from coop when coop was blowing up just in a short period guy got over 600k followers
and people who did not even have interest in card collecting gets recommended other vendors. Due to the coop subscribers mentioning “evil coop” on jarchomps content made youtube recommend to coop viewers jarchomp collectibles channel. Dont get me wrong the abillity to retain incomming viewers is all the work of jarchomps business skill+his charisma(evil coop)+his wifes editing.
i do hope they meet eventually : )
Looking forward to you ripping that Ex Leaf Green & Fire Red booster – one of my all time favourite sets