Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Broken Regidrago Raids… are we even surprised at this point?
Broken Regidrago Raids... are we even surprised at this point?
逆転? #ポケモンgo
Ripping Pokemon Go #pokemonpackpulls #collectiblecards #packopenning #pokemoncards #pokemontcg
I hate that these are local only. There is never anyone playing in my city.
Shout out to the New Zealand players who stick with this game after the way Niantic has treated them so often. You guys are amazing and committed.
They just want AR data guys to sell to add companies, that’s why they want us out. They don’t care about pogo, you got to stop expecting anything else but disappointment. Am a 2016 player, I’ve seen it all. This will never change, the team that works on pogo inside niantic may kinda care about the game. But I’ll tell you right now I bet their boss and his investors give zero shits about the actual game itself. Stop caring if something doesn’t work, its video game. Even though your heart says “catch them all” don’t. Cause remember that’s not your heart, that’s an add sold to you when you were a little kids. It’s a fake as their commitment to really caring about getting people out in person again. They don’t want us meeting in person, they want us scanning the area so they can sell that data to the highest buyer.
This is so embarrassing. It’s ridiculous that a company who is constantly being fed money can’t do simple things like launch a pokemon with its catch settings. so sorry for NZ friends. they are always given the short end of the stick, and are constantly met with bugs and problems. thank you for speaking up about this zoe. i fear however that niantic will never learn until their game is no longer being played.
Why ain’t 5pm eggs spawning??
If I was niantic I would get game testers n also if events don’t go planned like today i would on the next day do spawn elite raids at 6pm- 8pm cuz that’s when most people get out of work. Then on Sunday add mewtwo in raids for 1 day n add a special timed research
Y I hate events like ohh you foots pay a few grand to go to Vegas to get the shiny boost I feel like it should just be a ten fifteen dollar charge and you get the same boosts as Vegas
Having worked with a Google development team for several years recently, I can say these types of problems are common even with the big companies. Modern software development practices are crap.
I really like the game but I swear they are working overtime to make me hate it