- views:4【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
6:21 “TEAM! There’s a duc-“
How am I Ultra 4 and still has bot matches all of the time? Worse is that the bots just spin around and get stuck behind walls for no reason and enemy bots are actually useful
why dont yu show the emblems and items for liquidation, ever>?
I honestly dont know, why you should ever play acrobatics. Its just ass.
Fellstinger gives you mobility, a low cooldown and RELIABLE stacks.
Dat (insert name) Dualies Splatoon Inteleon Meta.
Bro I love Intel but I can’t play snipe shot I just suck at sniping in this game.
Why can’t builds be in the video
Hi Cris i love You ❤️