このビデオは、ポケモンGOで自分の一番強い影のポケモンを捕まえる様子を紹介しています。ポケモンGOでは、シャドウポケモンと呼ばれる強力なポケモンがいます。このポケモンは通常のポケモンよりも強力で、強化することもできます。私はこのビデオで、レイドバトルを行い、強力なシャドウポケモンを捕まえることに成功しました。ポケモンGOをプレイする上で、強力なシャドウポケモンを捕まえることは非常に重要です。 #shorts
- views:5【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
I have a shadow hundo maxed out to level 50
This video is yet another reminder of me being an idiot.
I have a 98% purified Metagross. Back before I knew anything about shadow or meta Pokemon, I would randomly purify Pokemon for tasks.
So at worst this Metagross came from a 13/13/12 shadow Beldum, but also could have been a 15/15/12.
I seriously want to trade it in so I don’t have it as a reminder.
Wow man!!!!
My best Shadow metagross has 9, 13, 15 IVs (82%) just recently gave an elite tm for meteor mash, and thinking I may max it out. As I already see how good my other shadow Metagross with 13, 7, 14 IVs does (74%) being at lvl 35.
How do you get strong top tier Pokémon??
Is this beldom out now?
I love your vids! I think you doing shorts it’s great idea! And how do you get shadow Nelson is it from leaders?
Is this a grunt
thats a technical 4 star tho right?s