Pokémon Meme Reviewとは、ポ����ンに関するおもしろいメメを��介し��がら、����者と一���に��し��動画コンテン��です。基本的にはポ����ン��ー��やアニメのシーンを��タにしたものや、ポ����ンのキャラクターの特��を面��く��いたものなど、�����なポ����ン関連の��ー��ラスな画像や動画が��介されます。����者がコメントやリアクションを通じて参加することで、より��しい����体���ができるのが特��です。ポ����ンフ��ンの間で人気のコンテン��の一つです。

- views:3【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる

The first one. They were walking in because they just got on 4 legs but “stayed” was a bit misleading
6:34 Nemona actually mentions she’s not from Paldea! She moved there from an unknown region at age 9.
also, as a Pokemon Masters player (exclusively for the Paldea character events) I can agree that the characterization is great, and the photo maker is very fun for meme formats.
also 9:55 OMG I DREW THAT!!!
bro could get more money from cards then from youtube…
8:20 you see a pack for cards is like 4 dollars, while a game plus console is like 360 dollars
Out loud no. Silently, maybe
What is he saying at 21:20
I thought Terra was a localized event? Area zero in paldea, the spring in kitakami, and the sphere in the academy and then after the encounter with turtle those involved got their terra orbs super charge basically?
Can you count primarina as quadrupedal? Becausd seals is quadrupedal on land
9:43 I find this concerning.
10:35 – Not even… Veteran trainers are like, 40… or 50… and even older.
Me: A woman in her 40s that has been playing pokemon since Red/Blue in the 90s. “I mean, I guess so…”