- views:4【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
Its legs make Crawdaunt look almost like a guy in a tokusatsu monster suit.
Corphish teaches us Pokémon design can also apply its fantastical feature into its anatomy, not just added features.
korfish was one of my favorite pokemon because of ash’s korfish on the anime!!!!!!
Look Corphish in those eyes and tell me it has enough braincells to wonder why his claws are too close to it’s head. I love him for this
I could definitely see a giant crawdaunt surrounded by little corpish in an old rpg boss battle
Always thought that Crawdaunt did not get the affection it deserves, it was always that one weird favourite pokemon i had back in school when it came out with Ruby and Sapphire.
Also, in German its name is “Krebutack” which sounds weirdly menacing to me.
Another Pokemon that feels like there should have been a middle stage and one of the few that look better in 3D.
Be careful, because that silly looking crustacean is officially known as the Ruffian Pokémon, for some reason.
Crawdaunt’s stats can be deceiving, it may look slow and frail at first (the worst possible combination), but it’s just one Dragon Dance away from crushing everything in its path. Adaptability is no joke and Crabhammer *hurts.*
Will you be reviewing the revamped designs of Pokémon in the SV DLC?