Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
*DID WE GET SCAMMED IN UNOVA TOUR?* More tickets & less quality in Pokemon GO
*DID WE GET SCAMMED IN UNOVA TOUR?* More tickets & less quality in Pokemon GO
Ces Pokémon qui ont GAGNÉ les WORLDS
*DID WE GET SCAMMED IN UNOVA TOUR?* More tickets & less quality in Pokemon GO
Top 5 Pokemon Investments: Hidden GEMS In A Crazy Market
Pokemon Cards are Getting More Expensive – We Have a Problem
アルセウス壊滅⁉︎ウソッキーが大暴れ‼︎【ポケポケ】#超克の光 #ポケモン #ポケポケ
I think I did ok. I did 38 raids total, 5 from free passes. 2 Zekrom raids and got both shiny (one with 96% and background). 4 shiny Kyurems, 1 98% from 35 raids and was able to trade one with a lucky friend at local event. I bought the hatch pass for the stardust boost nothing else. Spent maybe $15-$20 total for pass and premium battle tickets.
The event felt like a slightly better raid day
How about doing 80+ raids and not getting one freaken single shiny uh? This game’s trash
I did 135 kyurem raids and got 6 shiny (2 with background) 0 hundos, 2 98%, and 2 of the shiny I got we’re 96% and one with a background as well
only hundo i got was max darumaka wasnt even part of the event -_-
I was hesitant to purchase a ticket but FOMO hit me…..I DID notice they didn’t mention anything about shiny rates being boosted, but that’s why IIII personally play.
Long story short, over priced and ill be playing for free next time around.
My mom and I both got a 98 kyurem with the black background at one raid, but that was probably birthday luck. I got one shiny kyurem and I got my first shundo Landorus from the free timed research!! But the ticket price was ridiculous honestly, I won’t be buying a more remote raid passes with real money for a while.
After experiencing the last few major events, I am all for legislation requiring games like PoGo to reveal the odds for every event so we know when they are tinkering with the odds.
I spent over 300$ didn’t get a single Hundo and the trinket was a scam paid 15$ for trash lucky IV I’m honestly over putting money into this game I would rather pickup a drug habit it would be more satisfying