Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Everyone got THIS GO FEST SHINY except ME!
Everyone got THIS GO FEST SHINY except ME!
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荒ぶる赤いゲノセクト#ポケモンgo #ポケgo #pokemon
ゼクロム倒すぜ!!! #ポケモンgo
Welcome to Pokémon GO: Might and Mastery!
I have one myself but we haven’t met yet so don’t send me to the ocean please but I think ur jealous of everyone getting the shiny tyrunt. Good luck for that dinosaur Zoey. I hope u get urs in terms of shiny tyrunts that is. Possibly 2 or three or I do and I can trade one to u. Either way that is a win-win for me and u so u can’t lose. Great vid Zoey I love ur videos u are my fave girl YouTuber for Pokémon who is Aussie. I meant that terms of country not an insult so don’t take it as such. Jealously sucks I know this because I live that life when I see people have new shines and I don’t have one either. For example shiny Clauncher and shiny Drillbur it feels like a lot of people have those and I don’t have one of those at all. I have new shinies myself and so I make people jealous of me a lot but I like doing that cause it makes to me feel oh so good about it. Also I mean that Aussie as a compliment so take it as that please Zoey also shout out to Allen for sticking up with u on this journey good for him. He sounds like a nice guy so I wish u and him the best.
Zoë, just bought my ticket for Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global yesterday. My very first event… I’m actually itching with excitement for next weekend. Can’t wait!
Going to be looking for Shiny Bagon(good IVs hopefully), so I can Mega Evolve Salamence. Shiny Beldum, looking for others as well.
2 days ago the 100% IV Mega Salamence slipped through my fingers. If he would’ve behaved himself and stopped attacking and dodging I might’ve caught him. He was Weather Boosted too, UNFORTUNATELY!
I got in on 7 Mega rayqasa raid with remote passes and lost 1 and did not manage to get a shiny, tring my luck next week
It’s actually comical how many people have gotten the shiny Tyrunt EXCEPT you, Zoe LOL
I am very happy with the shinies i got, but also i really wanted that messenger bag aerodactyl.
OK. That was funny af. You ask Allan for Pokemon Sleep tips, and YouTube launches into an ad for Pokemon Sleep.
I thought shinies don’t show in the journal from a go plus?