- views:6【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
- views:1【初見実況】ポケモンSV その1
Shulmdo is a mega 100%iv shiny
This is cool and all but there’s probably some casual player in Las Vegas that is level 37 just checked the app and saw there was an event and already some how had a shlundo primal kyogre
You or Brandon got the first one lol
How do you know it’s first ever? I don’t suppose you have any way of actually clearifying this statement to be true?
The first Shiny lucky Hundo Kyogre? First primal maybe not first in workd
Casual first person to get the most OP Pokémon in game
Hey mystic has done this before
I’ve seen a few people claim this already