- views:7【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
Yeah without remote raids this isn’t happening for me. Rural tropics here, it’s been thunderstorms and flood watches all week long in 87+f heat. Plus it’s over an hour’s drive to get to town for a whopping two gyms that are nowhere near each other. There is no community here, no one out there doing the event. Raids are just timing out so… GG to those living in high-pop areas able to get full lobes like this. About ready to quit the game as more and more events and content get restricted on remote raids. I couldn’t play before they were a thing and quit also due to the same issue. Thought they were great when added and I finally got to enjoy raids and got to do my first events and nab a few legendaries… But now? Ha… welcome back to not being able to play the big parts of the game.
Hosting raids makes them more money, just play local
Kinda like the detective Pikachu movie
eh, I went free to play and don’t take it with me until I arrive at a destination–less data, less money. Still not S-Tier deletion, but close-ish
Do you think i will be fine with 3 x level 50 accounts and 44 accounts , all have 10 jems
this mf is spoofing, look at his live stream and listen to his mic, u can hear he isnt outside. also look at his movement on the map, its so fucking obvious it crazy