Glad I found a chill Pocket creator 🙂 Not like those other over-the-top guys yelling and screaming at their games. The Onix-Brock-Dawn combo is really neat, I wouldn’t have thought of that on my own.
Is this digimon world 2 music?
Duel links background
this guy will be good when we get item cards that can get back ressourd from the discard pile more reliably than the cards getting them from the deck.. like a special ball than can pick any pokemon from the discard pile and an item that can get back another item from the discard pile..
in live there have also been cards that are stronger when in the discard pile, we had a eggxecute like that about 10 years ago..
I use a similar strat but with Regirock as my main attacker
just realized this also combos with pokedex. if you know the next 3 cards are useless thats just free draw instead towards a card you actually want.
actually similar case happened here, where your second rhyph was the last card in the deck, but you wouldnt have gotten it for a full 3 more turns if not for rhyph’s 3 discard.
This video made me wanna play Rhyperior so bad!!
try the 2evee, 2leafion fossil deck only. hahah whenever you attack you retreat to fossil then discard the leafion attack again
Tips for exchange: Create a Binder with the name :NeedIsOnTop, put the cards you have at least 1 time for showing what you need on the top, and the card you can trade on the bottom, put the binder on your main profile and don’t forget to put the hashtag “same card”.
You can also rename the binder with the card you are focusing if there is no copy. Example : ChazrdEX (12 character limited, so try to make short but understandable)
By this way I trade a Marshadow for a Magneton safely with a Japanese random “friend”
bang req cresselia ex + dusknoir deck