Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Giovanni is the scariest Pokémon villain, and there is no contest | #pokemon
Giovanni is the scariest Pokémon villain, and there is no contest | #pokemon
I Attempted a Nuzlocke in this Dark Pokemon Game
Blindly Rank These Pokemon With New Typings
【ポケモンSV】最強ドダイトス「シビルドン」 23秒で解説パターン1 #ポケモン #最強ドダイトス #レイドバトル
【公式】全国のセブン-イレブンでもらえる ホウオウ と ルギア をつかって六英雄バトル!【ポケモンフレンダ】#ポケモン #フレンダ #アニポケ
【公式】アニメ「ポケットモンスター」第74話 「3人のエクスプローラーズ」-期間限定配信-
Scary! Unless you bring a water type and wipe his team XD
holy crap that ending gave me chills
Gotta love how the Pokemon main villain most likely to put someone in the ground, has the most grounded design out of all the main villains!
But doesnt it also fit Ghetsis, hes all about ruling the world and would let nothing get in his way, he even tried to kill us whos like 12 year old for bascially ruining his plans
Understand, as haphazard as so much of the game is; when you face this guy in GO?
It’s *chilling* . Specifically because of the lack of artifice. Hell, I’m pretty sure the *music* cuts out for a second when he shows up.
” ‘Nothing’ Is Scarier” indeed.
Giovanni is classic, but I think Ghetsis is still my favorite. The most unsettling is… hard to say because none of them really intimidate me? From a gameplay perspective, it’s Ghetsis or Cyrus, because in hardcore nuzlockes they tend to be The Ones To Prepare For. Especially if you treat Cyrus like a level cap instead of Volkner. From a pure aesthetic perspective, I’m actually going to give it to AI Sada/Turo just for body horror ai points.
Though as a kid that just grew up on the anime (I didn’t have access to the games until gen 3), Giovanni was always very mysterious. They didn’t show his face until much later, and I didn’t get to see every episode.
I think I’d feel way more like that is he were a more diffcult fighter.
Giovanni would be a lot scarier if he did something other than fight you when you find him and then run away. I don’t think we ever see him to anything else in any of the Gen 1 games.
Honestly, a lot of what Giovanni *could* be we don’t see because it’s a kid’s show. It’s the implication that a child wouldn’t get but an adult absolutely would that makes him scary. As with all good horror… the viewer’s mind does most of the work.
Being normal in a crazy world can make a character stand out well. I always found Norman Osborn and Lex Luthor more threatening in a suit instead of wearing their green supervillain outfits.