このデッキはポケモンカードゲームのデッキで、「神聖な防御」を意味する「GODLY DEFENSE」をテーマにしています。デッキの主軸は、アルセウスとマグネミを中心とした構成で、これらのポケモンの特性やわざをうまく組み合わせることで相手の攻撃を防ぎつつ、自分のポケモンを強化していきます。
Flabibi ❤
im new to pokemon tcg, even new to pokemon frenchise,
but i start to play this game 3 days ago, and i got that archeus and magnezone.
but i dont have magnemite at all
So glad to see someone else making something with Link Magnezone. One of my favourite pokemon, and though lightning ‘zone was the major meta last format, I am a hipster so it felt kinda gross running ‘The Meta’ deck. But Link Magnezone lets me use one of my faves, and feel like at least somewhat of a special snowflake, even though any deck with Arceus is currently ‘The Meta’. At least Mag is one of the less used links with the big A.
been failing at 4 wins but this deck got me 5 wins on the first run! thanks for the deck, gonna tweak it a bit for consistency reasons. overall amazing deck!
Love the creativity of your decks! I play a few of them and always have so much fun. Do you ever stream (or consider it)?
You must be on a different network than I am because I tried the exact same deck since the beginning and I can’t get past number five. It’s like the AI switches things up to me game 5 impossible
REROLLING METHOD (Requires PC or an extra device)
1. Delete all friends on main and wait for no friends or past friends to show up on wonderpicks.
2. Install some sort of emulator so you can play on PC and install the game (or use another device /tablet etc). Mumu player works fine for me.
3. Once the app is launched, get to level 2 to add your main account.
4. Important. Once the alt account is level 2 and you have the your main added, open the app on your main, go to the main screen (which refreshes the app and your wonderpicks) then go to the friends tab and sit there. (The idea is you only want to refresh the app on your main account once you get a pull on the alt.)
5. Now open the packs on the alt however many. If you get a hit, to ensure the packs start cycling on your wonderpicks, go to your main account (which you had sitting in the friends tab, and now go to the main page (you should see a spinning circle which is what triggers your wonderpicks to refresh) and it should start cycling through the packs. If not switch back and forth a couple of times until it shows. (Usually within 5 min since you don’t have any friends)
6. If you didn’t get a hit, unfriend yourself but DON’T go to the main screen (because it was refresh your wonderpicks) until after you unfriended or it will start cycling the duds.
7. On the alt, after you open all the packs you can, go to the account settings and delete all save data. It will restart the account, and you restart the process from step 3 until you pull something.
Essentially you’re adding an alt account, opening all the packs you get from starting a new account while you have your main added. Step 5 just makes it hella accurate.
At 10:00 the opponent miss play there. The correct approach was to use the energy to swap shimyn with Lefeaon and use Lefeon ability to generate energy and Solarbeam the scarmory
Why dont you just play old magnezone?