- views:4【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
I actually got a XXS Zorua too. The rest were XXL.
I made groudon my buddy and i only get xxs zorua, so fun seeing multiple groudons on the map xD
In about 25 encounters I found 3 shiny zorua
i’m at 1500 checks lifetime zorua and 0 shiny it’s ridiculous
50+ Zorua checks, no shiny… happens every year. Got a shundo and hundo giratina so that’s cool ig
Again, a gimmick which is irrelevant to that Pokemon to be introduce in Pokemon Go. Which is extremely ridiculous!
If players notice other player characters on Pokemon Go map which is exactly the same as your own character including players character design and avatar.
Tap on them and catch them.Even though it is seem like catching yourself!
After successfully caught, an Oh? appears, it turns to Mimikyu.