Chat: Please please play Tyranitar for content
Also Chat: Wait why are you playing Tyranitar? Buff?
TTar is underperforming so badly lately and no buffs in sight.
Everyone and their mother has unstopabble in their kit so TTar’s ult is getting stun locked for the duration or ppl just slowing and kiting you away….Just sad.
Actually when tyranitor is going underrated but when I was playing unite my win rate of tyranitar is 6/10 a rage pokemon
Sableye is content
Personality, i think tyranitar whole hard grind early game and mid game and highpower late game is unhealthy for it. Because it’s either tyranitar op, which justifies it being worth the grind, or it’s balanced or unpowered, which makes unjustified. Timi should quit the whole hard grind thing for tyranitar. It doesn’t fit him anyway do to tyranitar evolution levels being average for a pseudo legend. Timi should buff larvitar and pupitar abilities and stats, while buffing stone egde(it really could use a slow or a small knock up effect) and dark pusle( small decrease in cooldown) and a buff to the level, damage, and hindrance resistance from tyranitar’s unite because it feels unwelming and a slog to get.
Oh hello Falseswipe heroes
When is timi gonna re-release the hip hop ttar skin tho
Try double stack razor ttar….spargel best suggestion ever….so much damage and tank