
- views:2【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる

My code : 6665 8810 6268
1287 7043 1400
I got 28 shiny starly
not only did I break my com day record at 28 starlys, but I actually got 31 shinies total, including another stunfisk, a croagunk and a normal castform. I’ve never gotten a diff shiny on com day n I got 3 this time. This was my best com day n idk why. Maybe because I’m level 40 now? The only thing I can come up with lol
I got 11 shinies 10 starlys and 1 zangoos
I grinded deino community day till I got five hydreigon one shiny
I got 3 since starly
@brandontan91 I’m oin nz and it’s 8.47pm Monday here I’ve noticed every pokemon I caught today the candy on the XP calculation screen was white with blue stripes I’m curious if this was a glitch or a low key Easter egg foreshadowing??? Be interested if it happens to you or anyone else out there??? If it’s a glitch then it’s a glitch but if it’s not then I wonder what it could mean??
thanks for invite me to raid together