Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
How to scam the Larvesta *SCAM* Even in Pokemon GO
How to scam the Larvesta *SCAM* Even in Pokemon GO
Error: Invalid response from GPT API
10 KM Egg hatching pokemongo #ポケモンgo #pokemongo #pokemon #shinypokemon #egg #hundopokemon #shiny
Live Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos Raids | Pokémon Go | Yagnik009
キュレム倒すぜ!!! #ポケモンgo
【ポケモンGO】三鳥復刻🦅色違い狙ってレイドバトル#ポケモンgo #shorts #レイドバトル#フリーザー
This whole thing feels like a personal attack on me. Volcarona is one of my favourite Pokemon and of course, they take forever to release it and then eventually release it exclusively in eggs with a very low rate.
I’m also trying for hundos of my favourite mons from each gen, and Volcarona is my fave from gen 5. Basically means I’ll have to wait until it’s community day, which It will likely get since it has a signature move
I thought I was tripping with my adventure link I was like why it’s not working and I have iPhone 14
Got it in my first egg I collected after he appeared, is he really that rare ?
“Asking for a friend” can you get banned for using one of those walkers?
Look Niantic done messed up by not making larvesta a rare wild spawn during this event. The problem with this event and the last like this is the 0 event spawns, we need something to do while we walk these eggs off. I love this game but it’s hard to participate when it bores me out of my mind to do so. It kinda feels like they just want to crush my vibe or something… like at this point it’s difficult not to start taking their shenanigans personally.
I haven’t even started the Instinct Hero event. Not that there’s really any incentive: no event spawns, 1 Elekid with a wrist band, egg pools with a wanted dex entry, that requires 400 candies to evolve…..
45 eggs hatched so far and no Larvesta so far.
You’re literally GAMBLING your money in pursuit of Larvesta. I’m not buying any incubators in the HOPES of hatching a lottery Pokemon.
I still haven’t even gotten a Riolu