1. ギミーグールは、主にタイプがノーマルとゴーストのポケモンが生息する夜間に出現するため、夜になったら積極的に出かけて探しましょう。
2. 高いポケモンのレベル(CP)を持つポケモンとのバトルに参加することで、ギミーグールが出現する可能性が高まります。
3. フィールドリサーチで、ノーマルやゴーストタイプのポケモンを捕まえるというタスクが出てきた場合は、積極的に取り組んで報酬としてギミーグールを手に入れましょう。
4. グラムバーグやカーニバインなどの高級レストランや大型ショッピングモールなど、特定の場所に多く出現する傾向があるので、そのような場所を狙って出かけるのも良い方法です。
5. ペアやグループで一緒にプレイすることで、相互にギミーグールの出現を通知し合えるため、より早く見つけることができるでしょう。
6. また、友達とトレードすることで、手持ちのポケモンと交換してギミーグールを入手することもできます。
I hope the coins don’t take up bag space, otherwise those with low amount of stotage like me are fucked
But bro I don’t have Pokemon scarlet and violet can I download it on android
And if you can share this thing about for Billy’s to the other people that makes videos to see what they think maybe Pokemon go will get the hint at the other two abilities to fast hands tell me Pokemon go even greater even you gotta admit if you getting up people talk about in their videos and might get them on the ad it didn’t send you
Do you know it gives is 12 below zero where are they that meant but that’s pretty cold where can you make a video one would be cool if they added to fast teams on Pokemon go and to charge teams for Billy’s at once you think they’ll ever had that all four things at once had to fast TM attacks and to charge attacks up before Billy’s on Pokemon go let me know what you think Rocky game team rocket thing that’s awesome even my avatar on Pokemon go to they mean my app here and my Pokemon going both the same names that’s why I go by team rocket
Thanks for the newsflash!
If I remind correctly, the maximum of the coins is 99 in the inventory in Pokemon GO.
So I think they will cut it down from 999 to 99 for us.
I like PokeAk because he’s always honest about his videos. He doesn’t say what NIANTIC wants to hear or be overly hype like other Pogo YouTubers. Keep up the good work my guy.
You can elite TM Groudon and Kyorge their signature moves now
Comeing out in spring pokemon said
Today for the global event no one wanted to raid Kyogre primal but everyone wanted to raid Groudon but not complaining was tabled primal evolved Groudon but not Kyogre