Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
I ALMOST CRIED!!! Bump Of Chicken X Pokemon GOTCHA! Music video reaction
I ALMOST CRIED!!! Bump Of Chicken X Pokemon GOTCHA! Music video reaction
This is the BEST Miraidon ex Deck (Pokemon TCG Deck Profile)
デリバードに関する雑学7選【ポケモン】#shorts #memes #ポケモン #pokemon #pokemonmemes #ポケモンsv #ポケモンza
【ポケモンクイズ】このポケモンの名前は?#ポケモン #クイズ #暇つぶし
The beginning of the music video is a reference to the movie stand by me.
MOTHER was developed in reference to STAND BY ME, and POKEMON was developed in reference to MOTEHR; BUMP played the theme song for STAND BY ME live at a cultural festival when they formed it. This is a goofy feeling that cruises and connects to the tour of the Pokémon x BUMP OF CHICKEN music video “GOTCHA!”.
If you’re a real pokemon fan this vid will truly it hit you deep inside. A masterpiece, referencing from the very first gen to the current one.
probably my most favorite part is red vs gold and blue with his mons
Who actually watched this and didn’t get hit? I mean you may not have cried but them dam chills and goosebumps. Bones killed it with the animation!
It took me a couple watches to realize the male character was an older Ash! Look at the hat. He actually grew up!
I don’t know if this is too much information but I don’t really care.
I’m currently fifteen and I’ve been playing pokemon for my entire life. I’ve never really cried at any thing pokemon. I almost did at the end of XYZ, but I held out. When this video popped up on my recommended today I was like “Oh cool new Pokemon song.” But, before I new it I was crying. I still don’t even know why. What a video!
“There’s a movie on TV.
Four boys are walking on railroad tracks.
I better go too.”
I actually just discovered Bump of Chicken yesterday when I became obsessed with Hello World, so when they mentioned the name in the video I cheered. XD I totally agree with you that Gotcha Pokemon really should be an anime. Having Ash as the protagonist through all of these seasons of the anime has made it turn stagnant, and I don’t like the Sun and Moon art style. But if it looked like this (or at least the original anime) and had new casts of characters? Heck YEAH I’d watch it.
Here’s hoping Gotcha Pokemon might become an anime down the line!
ive been crying all day watching this music video on repeat
pokemon is my fucking favorite franchise of all time, i just loooooooooove everything about this music video