私は2023年のポケモンGOの最大のイベント、Hoenn Tour Las Vegasに行ってきました!このイベントでは、Hoenn地方のポケモンがたくさん出現し、特別なアイテムやミニゲームが楽しめました。また、世界中から集まったプレイヤーたちと交流することができ、とても楽しい時間を過ごしました。このイベントはポケモンGOファン必見の大きなイベントでした!
- views:6【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
- views:1【初見実況】ポケモンSV その1
Tatter nuts!! Tatter nuts!! It’s that what is been shouted?
Speedixes are my name in pokemon go…
Can someone here goft me some pokemon… I’m a new player so I don’t have any proper pokemon…
Legit went in her mind. “Trainer tips is here, now I gotta propose”.
So I just need Kecleon and Relicanth to complete my Hoenn dex. Are the regionals only from the 10K eggs?
what i like about your humble content is there isnt any shiny bragging, and im sorry but i see a lot of people get the shinys ill never have and when they big themselves up coz of it it puts me off the video but your so laid back its lovely to watch your adventures 🙂
I don’t like how they were gay
I’m celebrating a $30k stock portfolio today. I started this journey with $4000 have invested on time and also with the right tearn now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me