
- views:3【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる

Spragles complains about the unite move stopping your movement and missed a kill for it. That’s all on him, he didnt need to unite and yet still did.
Unite has gotten boring. They’re more focused on character releases instead of development and gameplay.
1:03:06 I’d like a Boss Rush mode where the boss (or all 3) is/are a Ditto and it takes over the form of one of the player’s Pokemon
Me and my friend thought inteleon stance looked like Mr nibus from Rick and morty
Inteleon looks fun, but SoloQ is another story, LOL!
This stream helped me realize that this game isn’t good for anyone. Spragels coming back from his vacation, feeling good, contrasts so hard with his frustration with his teams 🙁
Loving Inteleon alot and enjoying all his moves actually but his Unite is the real hero of the kit.
It has been a while since I have really enjoyed and looked forward to playing a new pokemon… Inteleon although I am not a massive fan of normally, I have so nuch fun playing in Unite.