Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
It’s FINALLY Here! Opening 150 Pokemon GO Packs On PTCGO! A Good Mini Set!
It's FINALLY Here! Opening 150 Pokemon GO Packs On PTCGO! A Good Mini Set!
『ポケモンGO』コミュニティデイ新技習得!強いのにもっと最強ラウドボーン【スーパーリーグ】 #ポケモンgo #ポケモン #pokemongo #pokemon #ゲーム実況 #ゲーム #実況 #配信
キョダイマックスリザードンを撃破しようとしたら……#ポケモン #ポケモンgo #リザードン #キョダイマックス #
【忙しい】意外な場所に個体値100が出現⁉️💯キョダイマックス&ホゲータコミュニティデイ ポケモンGO Pokémon GO 포켓몬고
ポケモン go奇跡
『ポケモンGO』で色違いの合体キュレムをゲット!GOツアーイッシュまとめ #pokemongo #ポケモンgo #ポケgo #ポケモンgo色違い
Lunatone and solrock is a broken single prize turbo deck
I’m actually looking for every og starter in their best form(not radiant since i like the normal artwork more). Can’t wait to pick up some packs
I opened 40 packs yesterday and pulled 2 mewtwo vstars in the first 10. zero mewtwo v’s though. PTCG gods are cruel sometimes. lol
Wyrdear blastoise =meta?.????
Blissey can be good with 200 hp for a single prizer and you can keep healing with its attack imagine having to ko 6 huge 200 hp pokemon that heal every single turn
Deck idea: Slaking with silent lab and double colourless energy?
try turbo palossand! It is an archetype I thought up, which consists of a 4-4 line of palossand from FS, 2 Cresselia from chilling reign to build it up and 2 to 4 mew from celebrations, as well as a 4-4 line of the banette you featured in this video. The whole idea is to go second, then use mew with a heavy switch + ball count (ultra, quick, level, great) and energy search to basically guarantee a turn 1 cresent glow which accelerates 3 basic psychic energy….you see the idea. then, palossand’s attack ohko’s opponent’s active if they are basic, but it needs 4 energy….thats why u need cress. also, a 4 boss count to gust up the v’s you devolve with banette, and some ropes as well as 4 nets to reuse to ko. what do u think?
Can you make a video with that new stage 2 charizard featuring centiskorch vmax?
See if you can make it consistent
Radiant Evee is not in the set ?!