『ベストから学ぶ | ポケモン自動販売機のヒント』
ポケモンの世界では、トレーナーたちは常に努力をして強くなるため、数多くの指導を受けます。同様に、自動販売機の世界でも、成功を収めるためには専門家のアドバイスを受けることが重要です。今回は、ポケモン自動販売機の専門店であるThe BulbaStoreからの貴重なアドバイスをご紹介します。
The BulbaStoreのアドバイスを参考に、あなたのポケモントレーナーとしてのスキルを向上させ、自動販売機の世界でも成功を収めてください。確かなポケモントレーナーは、自動販売機の世界でも勝ち抜けるはずです。
vending is a lot of work. I generally only stay local, cuz traveling to big events is kind of a huge expense when u add in rental cars and hotels and cost of vending. but tbh now days any platform or avenue is a grind to sell. People don’t realize how challenging it is to run a business revolving around cards. bulba has been super consistent and he’s a likable guy. It feels like pokemon hype is making everyone a seller, streamer now days. beyond the cards, its understanding business and taxes, as sometimes the profit margins are very little for flippers. Investing takes a lot of capital and patience, and then time, work, energy to sell. Most folks cannot afford to just be a pkmn card seller full time. I have thousands of cards and slabs n still struggle to make enough money to live off. You can have wins, but you’ll also have to eat a lot of Ls along the way. It’s easy to put too much into assets and collecting, grading etc, but when you do get the big sale its so sweet. good interview to learn from bulba and his experience.. now days everyone does POV cuz of him.
When will you guys be back in UT for an event?
Great content!
I love this!!!!
Resourceful to create content. Thank you for the insights and experience, you guys inspired me to start.