

ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
omg that Latios from the livestream
Congrats Kriket! I got 2 shiny latioses and 7 shiny cacnea!
Looks like you had a great time! Soo many shiny purple whales!!! I can’t wait to play today!
This is the WORST TOUR EVER. It’s so stupid that Niantic never gave an option for a ticket on shiny boost.
Wooooooo kriket video wooooo and we love you kriket
I’m glad you had a fun day 1 for the global event. I loved watching your livestream. I hope you are able to get some rest tonight and have a fabulous day 2. My day 1 event starts in 2 hours! I’m excited.
waking up to kriket is a good way to start the day!
Mega Rayquaza will be Hoenn tour ultra bonus.
Next season will be Shiny Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini debut and continues debut any pokemon from alolan pokemon especially not yet introduced in pokemon go. .