- views:7【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
Flying types: Nooooooo you can’t just use a ground type move to hit for a quarter of my health
Primal Groudon: haha Precipice Blade go brrrrr
does this mean you went to Hoenn Tour Las Vegas? The energie for Groudon und Kyogre is only locally available.
Primal Groudon is utterly busted in the main series as well. If it’s allowed in there in this state, it will break the Master League. The potential counters like the Ground resists would need buffs to keep up with the powercreep.
Yo when can we actually use the megas in master league which week is it going to actually work
This thing is too strong. It should get banned from the leagues so the game can be more fair
Primal Groudon: I have met many people who can outsmart me, but I have not met anyone who can outsmart nuke
I think you should try mega Swampert next once everyone uses primal groudon
Niantic: “How can we make Master League more interesting and accessible for players?”
Also Niantic: “Let’s get rid of the Classic Cup and allow Pokémon with 6600+ CP that can basically one-shot everything else in the meta.”
Primal Groudon really do be putting these Pokemon in the dirt
i got myself a hundo groudon a while back