今、私はPokemon UniteのライブストリームでInteleonとLeafeonをプレイしています。 InteleonとLeafeonはどちらもランクされると強力なポケモンで、私は彼らを使うことが大好きです。 Inteleonはとても速く、鋭い攻撃力を持っているので、敵をサッと倒すことができます。一方、Leafeonは素早く敵を追いかけて攻撃し、葉っぱの刃で敵を切り裂くことができます。私はこのストリームで彼らをマスターして、より多くの勝利を手に入れたいと思っています。一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしましょう!
- views:4【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる
- views:3【ポケポケ】幻のゴッドパックを神引き!
- views:3絶対に正解できないポケモンクイズ【2ch面白スレ】
I feel like for leech life buzzwole to be good, they need to make both buzz and the grabbed target hinderance resistant, would make it can still be cancelable but only by hard cc
Mean look can be cleansed by full heal and blissy if you use them before the eye opens up fully. Already tested and confirmed.
Dig or dive get out of mean look through the ground?
When did I miss this
This fool went live at 4am lol the dedication
Umbreon going to counter all the adc in the game ..imagine the spacing this pokemon going to close on them literally can’t move around anymore
M56M5A5X if you need a casual squad. Active daily. No drama or requirements.
Oh my imagine pawmot being released as a supporter in pokemon unite with its move revival blessing that would be so Sick that one of your defeated teammate could be revived with half health. That would be totally broken!!