This hobby has gone to crap.. stop buying on whatnot!!
ill buy it
pokenotify is suspended?
Cant wait to see the scalped price for this the day of release in the USA
It’s not $50 at Costco. It’s $44.99
I’m more excited for Prismatic, I have ripped more than enough 151 and have a master set. Good luck to those still chasing it, this may be the last hurrah for that set.
The funny thing is nobody cares about Pokémon 151 in the beginning, the UPC’s were “too expensive” (even I felt that way) until months ago I bought some etbs & his the squirtle godpack…& the nostalgia hit, so far I’ve hit 2 main charizards, 4 blastoise, & a bunch of other big hits so I don’t even know why I’m still chasing it…guess because it’s Pokémon I grew up with so it feels “safer” if I hit or miss
I’d be all up in Costco tomorrow morning if I wasn’t sick.