I buy the Pokémon cards of the Machine owner in my local gas station
I highly doubt this lady was a scalper. She might’ve been trying to atleast get something for her kid (if she has one), a signifacnt other that collects or she may be a collector herself, you never know. Scalpers ruin everything for collectors and those that genuinely want to play so calling this a “SkIlL IsSuE” is a low blow.
$20-40 profit just lets the kids have fun
u pokemon scalpters are lazy ppl who dont want to work at all. you guys took the fun out of it for all other kids in the world its sad for real. wake tf up clown
They honestly should make a rule where u can only buy one also its not a skill issue it’s just rude
How is that a skill issue? I would think it’s more of a WILL issue.
The dude that was first in line most likely waited all day for the restock lady. You gotta be willing to wait hours or willing to drive all week to hit the restock
Had to be Asian lol
Horrible take
No limits is just stupid…