ポケモンセンターは終焉の時を迎えました。新たなライバルである「Destined Rivals」が発表され、ポケモンカードの価値も下がっています。ポケモンセンターはもはや人気を集めず、代わりに新しい展開や商品が注目を集めています。

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ポケモンセンターは終焉の時を迎えました。新たなライバルである「Destined Rivals」が発表され、ポケモンカードの価値も下がっています。ポケモンセンターはもはや人気を集めず、代わりに新しい展開や商品が注目を集めています。
Well couldnt get in to the pokemon center uk all day yesturday and its sold out…..
I really want to get the new sets, but realistically, I can’t afford to buy them at the price that they are so I just have been working on completing past sets with getting singles to try to finish them out.
Yeah f pokemon
I haven’t touch pokemon in 2025 so far yet a tired of sold out and it not even out yet went 60 dollar to 400 -600 dollar holy crap . I have huge money coming in , hopefully and going to try to take over trading card Japanese and english to have everybody keep low cost and raise price normally in hand or esle trading card will be destroyed world trading will end the hobby
Dude I didn’t even know they were dropping product on Pokémon center today. I randomly went on and got lucky enough to get 1 etb it would only let me get 1 and I tried looking for a booster box and other stuff to add to it to get 1 of every product but for some reason it only showed the etb and only 1 of them, oh well I’m grateful I atleast was able to get a pcenter etb at msrp. Just wish I was able to get 2, one for the shelf and one to open on my videos