Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Pokémon GO has NEVER Done This Before!
Pokémon GO has NEVER Done This Before!
【神回】GO Tourイッシュで史上最高の神引きしたったwww【ポケモンGO/Niantic】
ポケモンGO 今週の色違い(2/24〜3/2) #ポケモン #pokemon #イッシュツアー #ポケモンgo #キュレム
【マスターリーグ】「フリーズボルト」は直打ちます!!【ポケモンGO】【GOバトルリーグ】#ポケモンgo #Pokémongo
ポケモンGOスーパーリーグ #ポケモンgo #ポケモンgoバトルリーグ
Et il y a moins qui vit dans un trou paumé de la campagne française, avec l’arène la plus proche a 5km de chez moi, et personne qui joue a pokémon go aux alentours. Donc leurs raids locaux avec seulement ceux qui sont près de l’arène qui peuvent participer, ils savent ou ils peuvent se les mettre. La vous me direz d’allez en ville, mais la ville la plus proche est à 1h30 en voiture.
Mega Gardevoir my guy.
I had to work on that day from 11am to 7pm, and it gets super busy where I worked, so I can’t leave them with all of the work they have to do. And I remember seeing the 11am and 2pm Elite raids. But when I came back for 5pm … nothing.
And the same thing happened again tomorrow too when the developers said they added an additional day. It was really disappointing for me, I even drove around gym to gym to find one but nothing.
I only hope this won’t be the only time Regidrago spawns in the game. I have all other Regis except the most recent ones.
And I keep deleting my comments accidentally.
I got a hundo Ho-Oh and i was so hyped!!!
i get 96 procent IV Regidrago, but yours is better
I had a hundo run. Also, no legendary spawns. And seems like no 5pm raids.
wait xou guys got spawns???
This is the absolute most ridiculous way to raid, there were none, and I repeat none around my city and I’m in a decent sized city in NY, and even if there was raids available no one does in person raids anymore and they don’t want to.. niantic needs to realize that this trying to make people go outside and do stuff they don’t want to is gonna kill there game. They need to just make everything available to everyone and stop these BS events only in certain counties or places and everyone else misses out. Sure kills the motivation to catch them all………
Armour Mewtwo and the clone Pokémon are about the only thing I regret missing out on and would like to come back.