Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Pokemon Journeys Anime Episode 118 English Subbed – Pokemon Sword And Shield Episode 118 English Sub
Pokemon Journeys Anime Episode 118 English Subbed - Pokemon Sword And Shield Episode 118 English Sub
ポケモンレジェンズZAの新PVにこっそり映っている伏線達【Pokémon LEGENDS Z-A】【ゆっくり実況】
El poder del Guió está si es última temporada lo hacen ganar hasta con. Un Pokémon que es de Hierro y no le afecta la electricidad jeje y de paso es un poco loco estar así una pelea de esas no se tenía que ver y yo se que Pikachu es un Pokémon súper bueno pero está pelea está como arregladas para que Hask le gane a todos con el Guión entonces no sirve de nada que sea la última temporada yo quiero que traiga a sus Pokémon más fuerte que son. Los del Rancho ya estoy viendolo todo
I am just gonna say in it. Journeys is the worst series of all Pokémon series. The story is good but that’s it.
1 the battles are terrible, every Pokémon just goes down in 1 or 2 hits
2 It’s supposed to be champions battles, so everyone uses their strongest pokemons.
Then why doesn’t Ash use his strongest Pokémon. Why does he let him Pokémon train with his stronger Pokémon but then use the weaker ones in battle.
Wtf is wrong with these subs
Not the Best Fight but lt’s certainly Satisfying to see another big Victory for Ash
10million thunderbolt can be used to be a shield and control it. Never happened before. That was surprised.
Dracovish is really bad, I really wish he was written better. Also since Ash used his Z-Move in this battle, I’m scared that he won’t use it against Leon now.
Metagross is forever a bum now
Leon vs Diantha-(winner:Leon)
Cynthia vs Ash-(winner:Ash)
Alain,Iris and Steven will support ash in the final against Leon