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ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
When will Pokemon catch up on the Graphics front?
The graphics are bad because we don’t care. Heck, many of us, including me, want GameFreak to return 2D, or at least 3D, sprites since that’s not only what they know but it’s easier, and there are plenty of blockbuster games that are sprite based that look amazing. Terraria, Sonic Mania, Shovel Knight, Owlboy, and so on, all great looking sprite based games. Yeah, sprites might not appeal to the younger generations who need at least 1k triangles on the eyes alone, but it’ll make for a better game overall.
Other than the texture work being somewhat low res and having a rather plain appearance on stony and grassy surfaces the games graphics are decent otherwise.
Gamefreak doesn’t have enough time to make graphics my question is why they don’t just use the pokemon models from snap which look farbetter
I honestly don’t understand how people are just ok with the fact that this game looks like it was made in 2013. Levels of detail look like they were made by someone on their first day.
People could always buy SwSh if they don’t like SV graphics.
why am i not surprised
As long as they make money, they wont care. Its our fault, becauwe we ket these greedy ghouls get away with it.