が日本で発表され、新しいゲーム「POKEMON Z-A」が発売されることが発表されました。このゲームは、今までのポケモンのゲームとは異なり、新しいキャラクターやストーリー、ポケモンが追加されるということです。また、プレイヤーは複数の地域を旅してポケモンを捕まえることができ、グラフィックやバトルシステムも大幅にアップデートされる予定です。ファンたちはこの発表に大喜びし、新しいポケモンの世界を楽しみにしています。ポケモンがさらに進化していく姿を見ることができるこのゲーム、どんな新しい冒険が待っているのでしょうか。これからの情報にも期待が高まります!


All the Poketubers having autoplay on is wild to me
You saying that you were getting Kalos vibes right from the beginning is incredibly impressive. I wasn’t fully awake yet, mind you, but I didn’t start getting Kalos vibes until my mind registered that they were showing a bunch of Gen 6 Pokemon and then I saw the shape of the city and was like “wait, this is totally giving me Paris vibes…Gen 6?!?” I do still think we’ll eventually see a Gen 5 remake at some point either this year or next year but I’m pretty sure that it’s being made by a third party. I also know that GameFreak has like 2 main teams and maybe one support team but if this game comes out in Q1 2025 then that would still only be a 3 year cycle assuming they started making the game as soon as they finished with Legends: Arceus and while this is definitely one of my favorite Pokemon games pretty much of all times I feel like it could have been even better had it been allowed to cook for just a bit longer. This was especially true with Scarlet/Violet but the only saving grace here might be that this is likely going to be a cross-gen game which will likely run better on the Switch successor that’s likely to release in 2025 so as long as I have THAT system then hopefully the game will at least run okay.
I skipped to the end but Megas blew my mind
the M E E G G G A A A S S S S was so genuine i cackled
Nice video!
Im not sure if someone has said this or not but it says Z and A and releasing simultaneously so its 2 games right? Legends Z and legends A? It kept showing old looking plans and then future so will one game be in the past of lumios and the other game based in future of lumios? I could be way off but that is whats going through my head right now.