変なパーティに遭遇した笑💦#shorts #pokemongo #ポケモンgo #goバトルリーグ #ハイパーリーグ #pvp | ポケモンGO動画まとめ

変なパーティに遭遇した笑💦#shorts #pokemongo #ポケモンgo #goバトルリーグ #ハイパーリーグ #pvp

変なパーティに遭遇した笑💦#shorts #pokemongo #ポケモンgo #goバトルリーグ #ハイパーリーグ #pvp






笑#笑 #pokemongo #ポケモンgo #goバトルリーグ #ハイパーリーグ #pvp #馬鹿げたパーティ

This video is about my encounter with a strange party while battling in the Hyper League of Pokemon GO. In Pokémon GO battles, it is important to predict your opponent’s Pokémon type and move combinations. However, the party I faced this time was a surprising combination that I could never have imagined.

The opponent’s Pokémon were not commonly seen and had unexpected moves. My Pokémon did not have advantageous types or moves against them, so I struggled in the battle. However, their party had unexpected strength that surpassed my predictions. In the end, my Pokémon were defeated by their unexpected party.

Encounters like this make Pokémon GO battles interesting and provide opportunities to learn new combinations and strategies. I always find new surprises and discoveries while playing Pokémon GO, making it an enjoyable game. #laughs #pokemongo #PokemonGO #GOBattleLeague #HyperLeague #PVP #sillyparty
