ポケモンGO tour シンオウ地方 【UMA】#ポケモン #ポケモンsv #ポケモンgo #uma #ゆーま #バズれ#おすすめにのりたい #おすすめ #pokémongo #pokemon | ポケモンGO動画まとめ

ポケモンGO tour シンオウ地方 【UMA】#ポケモン #ポケモンsv #ポケモンgo #uma #ゆーま #バズれ#おすすめにのりたい #おすすめ #pokémongo #pokemon

ポケモンGO tour シンオウ地方 【UMA】#ポケモン #ポケモンsv #ポケモンgo #uma #ゆーま #バズれ#おすすめにのりたい #おすすめ #pokémongo #pokemon

#UMA Tour is a virtual event held in the popular mobile game, Pokémon GO. This particular tour focuses on the Sinnoh region, which is a region in the Pokémon world based on the real-life region of Hokkaido in Japan. During the event, players can catch rare Pokémon from the Sinnoh region, participate in special festivities and challenges, and unlock exclusive in-game rewards. The term “UMA” in the event’s title stands for “Unidentified Mysterious Animal,” which refers to some of the special Pokémon that can be discovered during the event. So, if you’re a Pokémon fan and love exploring new regions and catching rare creatures, be sure to join in on the UMA Tour in Pokémon GO!
