オークのポケモン図鑑を完成させた後、プレーヤーは称号 “ポケモンマスター” を獲得します。また、ゲーム内のさまざまなNPCたちから祝福され、自慢のチームを披露することができます。また、一部のゲームではサーチシステムが解放され、敵トレーナーやレアポケモンがより簡単に見つかるようになります。ゲームをクリアした後でもポケモンを集め続けることもできますが、アルセウスやマーシャドーのような特別なポケモンを入手するために残りのポケモンを捕まえることが必要になる場合があります。


Oak’s really scamming us for free labor
Nah oak needs to pay for his crimes 1000 folds
Only if Oak had given Davide a candy or $5 this humiliation could have been avoided.
when cristopher comes, oak is done
Give me long form content
Let’s see a part 2 were David gets the Nobel prize
it should be an easy fix, just check who traveled where. OBVIOUSLY professor Oak travelled to all the locations to get information of rare and exotic Pokemon. I mean how would a child be able to afford to travel an entire region on foot?
Huh would’ve thought the reward was a second Pokédex as this takes place in Gen 1 and then while David is busy filling the Johto Pokédex Oak is getting the reward and then the process repeats over and over and over until Gen 9 where that’s the stopping point of the Pokédex
No no, he still made the device by himself, for which he is getting the nobel prize
David should say something like prove it by catching every pokemon you should posses at least one of every kind or less depending on evolution but still show me some mythical locked behind events oak