ダダダダダりんりん!!ダダリン実装⚓️#ポケモンGO #ダダリン #JASH

ダダダダダりんりん!!ダダリン実装⚓️#ポケモンGO #ダダリン #JASH

APE If you are a Pokemon GO player, you probably already know about the popular pokemon “Darumaka”. Well, the newest update to the game has introduced a new and even more powerful evolution of Darumaka – “Darmanitan”! This evolution, also known as “Dada Darmanitan” in the Japanese version, features a unique and eye-catching design, with its body resembling a spinning top.

Not only does Dada Darmanitan have a cool appearance, but it also has enhanced abilities and moves that make it a formidable force in battle. For example, its signature move “Zen Headbutt” deals a high amount of damage and has a chance to confuse the opponent. Its high attack and speed stats also make it a great choice for any team looking to dominate in PVP battles.

So, if you’re lucky enough to catch a Darumaka and evolve it into Dada Darmanitan, you’ll have a powerful new addition to your Pokemon roster. Happy hunting, and enjoy the new update!
