【英語でポケモン図鑑】No.013 ビードル【ポケごらく】 #ポケモン #ポケモンゆっくり解説 #ポケモン解説 #海外 #英語 #toeic #ポケモン #ポケモンゆっくり解説 #英語学習

【英語でポケモン図鑑】No.013 ビードル【ポケごらく】 #ポケモン #ポケモンゆっくり解説 #ポケモン解説 #海外 #英語 #toeic #ポケモン #ポケモンゆっくり解説 #英語学習

This is a guide to No.013 Beedle in the Pokemon series. Beedle is a dual-type Bug/Poison Pokemon that resembles a small caterpillar. It has a spherical body with a pair of wings and two antennae on top of its head. Its colors are mostly brown with yellow stripes and red eyes. Beedle is known for being very docile, but it can release a powerful poison from its stinger if threatened.

Beedle can be found in the wild in forests and grassy areas. It feeds on leaves and tree sap, and can often be seen hanging from trees or bushes. It evolves into Kakuna at level 7, and then into the formidable Beedrill at level 10.

In battle, Beedle’s primary strategy is to use its stinger to poison its opponents and then finish them off with strong physical attacks. Its Bug type also gives it an advantage against Psychic and Grass types.

Beedle is a popular choice among trainers for its cuteness and easy of care. In the Pokemon world, many trainers keep Beedle as pets and use them for protection due to their poison abilities.

For those looking to add Beedle to their collection, it can be caught in most Pokemon games or obtained through trading with other trainers. So if you come across a Beedle in the wild, don’t underestimate its power and consider catching it for your team!
