【#GBL 】ぶっ壊れ性能のコノヨザルでラストスパートを駆けていく!!新人vtuber 】#goバトルリーグ #ポケモンgo #pokemongo

【#GBL 】ぶっ壊れ性能のコノヨザルでラストスパートを駆けていく!!新人vtuber 】#goバトルリーグ #ポケモンgo #pokemongo

This tweet is promoting a live stream featuring a new Vtuber participating in the Pokemon Go Battle League (#GBL). The Vtuber will be using a powerful Conkeldurr to make a final push toward victory. The stream is open to all viewers and will be conducted entirely in Japanese. Don’t miss this exciting battle! #PokemonGo #GoBattleLeague #Conkeldurr
