

ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
can u do a dark purple regigigas?
Trying mixing gengar and shiny gengar
Official shiny Druddigon is amazing to me. The color makes it look friendly and fun.
this alternative shiny mareanie just looks like a more distinguishable shiny gengar
You should do sylveon next!
I want see you do more of this
Can you do Reshiram and Zerkrom shinies with the opposite original color (shiny resh black, shiny Zek white)? and then throw in some of your own ideas?
You should do more of these, it’s cool. And maybe feature zoroark in one of your videos he’s my favorite Pokémon.
Bros pretty much giving the Pokémon a tiny to their normal colors, which people hate when Pokémon does it, but like when he does it?
I’ve never heard of druggidon lol I thought it was a fake mon
Prob because I hate unova