

ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
Which one is your favorite? Be sure to leave more suggestions for next Sunday’s suggestions video!
I was curious if you’d be willing to try Burmy and Wormadam, I had ideas for all 3. I love these Pokémon so seeing them get some nice shinies would be lovely 🙂
For all 3, keep the blue it normally has, I think it’s fine and gives all forms some kind of connection
For Trash, I thought a VERY dark black with yellow for the tassels (the white tassels on Burmy, the darker pink ones on Wormadam) to be like a traditional trash bag
For Grassy, I thought orange for autumn leaves with a white for the sticks to imitate birch, and the flowers on Wormadam could go a deep red
For Sandy, I thought something similar to Sandygast, with grey for the body, but I thought the rocks could go white (both the rocks on the body for both and the rocks on top for Wormadam)
As for Mothim, I think the shiny is fine mostly but I’d change the blue to be the blue on Burmy’s shiny to tie everything together, or alternatively change the black of the mask to the Burmy blue.
I hope you like the suggestions, these Pokémon have always been near and dear to my heart so I’d love to see them get some cool shinies, but regardless I’m loving the content 🙂
do red vaporeon
please make shiny vaporeon red
Make a pink greyninja with yellow details
Please make a shiny Spheal with red on the top half and white on the bottom half with a pink bubble Patten?
Can you make shiny petalil have a light blue body with lime green for the leaves atop its head?
Wow this shorts are amazing but can you make a silver purple litten and torracat?
Give Garchomp Gible’s shiny colours plzzz I love your work
Day 4 if asking to recolor shiny Torchic making the yellow body white and the orange parts in pale yellow, also making the feet a light turquoise