
- views:5【ポケモンORAS】ショップからアイテムを盗んでみる

I really love catching these cuz it gives me some time to reflect on pokemon i barely think about. Seviper’s one ive grown up with but i think hearing you talk about it made me love it again.
thanks for making these
I only just now noticed that Seviper has the same zigzag on it’s chest and coloring on one eye as Zangoose does
Jessie’s Seviper also holds the record for funniest catch in the entire anime.
I’ll always love Seviper because of the anime.
I dont think Serviper is “non spesific” in its coolness. Its going for a scene style. Black with alot of color while zangoose is going with two solid colors which is in a way goth fasion (one color and red) so in a way they clash.
Serviper is a giggly goober and zangoose is a serious edgy hedgy and that in turn creates conflicting personalities and designs.
I think I still like it because of my rose-tinted glasses. But I always forget about it when I think of Snake Pokemon
I love Serviper, my Shadow The Hedgehog style Edgy Pokemon ♡♡♡ He’s just so silly and so fun.
I really wished it had better stats, GF seems to not like giving snake pokemon good stats at all
I love this edgy noodle!
I found a shiny one in the blueberry academy few days ago. Looks pretty cool