This is gonna be the meta, im buying this def
I feel like its a ballanced mix between Lapras and Alolan Ninetailes in its own way, im going to love it no matter what.
I love it so majestic my favorite finally coming to the game i have to return after i haven’t picked unite up since Darkrai release.
Waiting for secptile as an attacker
Oh boy, that ‘cthulu’ is everywhere
why those shitty moves? Suicune has access to some cool moves such as hydro pump, mirror coat, calm mind, and so on , and does not make any sense giving it freezing attacks? Man, it is not even an ice type pokemon.
The freezing doused opponents/areas is a neat gimmick but I’m kinda lost on the characterization. I think this mechanic would fit better on one of the many water/ice types, not Suicune who has rich and unique lore abilities. Where’s the purifying, aurora, and wind?