ポケモンGO動画まとめ Pokemon GOの動画を色々まとめ
ポ����ンのプリズマティックエ��リュー��ョンの全ての��ニ��をテストすることが、ULTRA RARE(超レア)なカードを手に入れることにつながるのでし��うか?
*Which Eeveelution would make the WORST pet?* I’m saying Glaceon
I can’t even get any of those tines anywhere and you guys keep opening products, it’s not fair
I love lamp!
You and Marie are absolutely my favorite people to watch on youtube, I have two youtube accounts and I watch and like from both of them! I really enjoy the in-store hunts you do and the trade nights!
The only Eeveelution I dislike for reasons is Sylveon. Vaporeon and Espeon are my faves. Jolteon would probably make the worst pet out of them because of it’s spikes, but I think it’s really cool and in the anime it makes a great herding dog.
Rocko’s Modern Life! Turn the page, wash your hands.
Great video!
you’ve missed the Flareon EX
Hey Marie what your favourite blink 182 songs
Haven’t gotten an ETB yet. But I have had awful pull rates with the three pack blisters (1 Pokeball reverse hut in 9 packs), but great with tins and Poster Collection. In 20 packs I have gotten 1 Masterball, 3 Exs, 3 Pokeballs, 1 ACE Spec, 1 Gold (Ogerpon) and one SIR (Flareon). Made my friend choose which Poster Collection to open and got the Flareon in my last pack if 5 I opened yesterday, I was extatic!!